Volume Pro is very complete volume profile column that displays, value areas, and volume deltas either Diagonal Deltas or Linear Deltas, filters and reconstructs traded volume, auto clears on a big trade or based on delta, plus many more options.
Data Type #
Data Type allows to choose from different sources of data, Trading Sessions, and Time Durations.
Volume Profile Duration #
Select From various types durations for the Volume Profile. You will be able to the Volume Profile to: Current Session, Previous Session, Current Week, Previous Week, Current Month, Previous Month, Minutes Bar and Seconds Bar. While using larger timeframes it will take longer to long as we use tick data.
Data Type #
Select From different types of Volume Profiles:
Buys – Will display only trades that occur at the ask or above.
Sells – Will display only trades that occur at the bid and below.
Buys and Sells – Will display in Buys and Sells in a dual like profile.
Linear Delta – Will display the buys minus the sells that occurred at that price level.
Diagonal Delta – Will display the upper price buys at Ask minus the lower price sells at Bid.
Total – This will display both buys and sells, this will be your regular volume profile.
Trading Hours #
Select the Trading Session.
Delta Dual View #
When in Data Type Linear Delta or Diagonal Delta you can choose to display the Delta in Dual View Mode. This will center the bars and around zero.

Delta Ratio Mode
This will allow you see the volume ratio between buys and sells.
Minute Bars/Seconds Period #
Sets the duration of the “MinutesBars” in Volume Profile Duration.
Filter #
Volume Pro allows you to filter any trade size and count and display trades based on your filtering criteria.
Filter Mode #
Filter Mode is a very useful and advanced setting. You can spot price levels that were traded by large lot traders, small trades and much more. Filter mode inherits the value from Filter Value. This setting allows you to apply several types of filtering conditions:
Equal – Display volume that is equal to the Filter Value. Useful if you are tracking a particular quantity of volume traded.
Does Not Equal – Displays volume were the trades do not match the value of Filter Value. Useful if you do not want to see one lot trades, for example.
Less Than – Filters the volume that is lower than the specified Filter Value. Useful to see the activity of small trades.
Less Than or Equal– Expands the previous Filter Mode allowing you to include the value specified in the Filter Value.
Greater Than – Display volumes that are above the Filter Value. This is a common setting among volume profile. Allows you to spot the large traded quantities and price levels that traded heavily.
Greater Than or Equal – expands the previous Filter Mode, allowing you to include the value set on Filter Value option. Like the previous Filter Mode, this setting allows for an easy display of were large trade volume.
Filter Value #
The value used to filter the column.
Reconstruct Trades for Filtering #
Enable the reconstruction and consolidation of smaller trades when filtering the volume profile. Thus filtering for the reconstructed value of the trade and not the linear size of the trade. You will be able to for example set the filter value of 10, If you have reconstructed trades enable it will reconstruct the trades prior to evaluating the value.
Value Area/VPOC #
Here you will be able to control the display and value options for the Value Area and VPOC (Volume Point of Control)
Show VA and VPOC #
Sets the visibility of the Volume Value Area and the Volume Point of Control. Enabled will color the bars with a different color.
Value Area Percentage #
Sets the Value Area Percentage. By default, its set at 68.2% that equal one standard deviation limit of the volume traded. This will color the bars that account for 68.2% of the volume on the column. Although most traders use 68.2% or 70%. There is no reason why you could not customize this setting. You could easily have another volume column set to 95.4%, which is the second standard deviation value.
Value Area Color #
Sets the color for the Volume Value Area.
VPOC Color #
Sets the color for the Volume Point of Control. The largest traded price (with the most volume) where we observe the maximum of the Volume Profile.
Visual Parameters #
An enormous amount of options to customize the look of the Volume Profile.
Steady SuperDOM #
Enable Steady SuperDOM.
Increase Font Size #
This allows you to increase the font size while displaying the same number of rows. This option as a range between 0 and 3. Zero will make no changes to the font size selected in the SuperDOM properties and effectively add more space around the cells. This option tries to give you better visibility of the text.
Text to Display #
Volume – display traded volume at price.
Percentage – display the percentage of volume by price. Useful to compare between days or instruments as a percentage is a ratio or a relative number and expressed as a fraction. This is also useful if you are looking at low/high volume areas that are below a certain percentage value.
Visual Type #
Set the Visual Type
Bar and Text – display both the Bar in its relative size as well as any text chose in the previous setting.
Bar – display only the bars. On Mouse Hover text will be displayed for the particular price.
Text – display only text.
Text Position #
Sets the position of the Text Relative to the cell.
Bars Direction #
Left to Right – Bars will start from the left end and populate to the right.
Right To Left – Bars will start from the right and populate to the left.
Use Transparency #
Transparency is set relative to the total profile volume. This will create a visual effect that will allow you to spot areas that heavily traded in comparison to low volume traded areas. This gives you instant visual feedback.
Bars Color #
Sets the color of the bars outside the Value Area and VPOC. If the Show VA and VPOC is disabled this color will be applied to all bars if Visual Type setting is set to Bars or Bars and Text.
Delta Positive Color #
Sets the color for positive delta when Data Type is set to Linear Delta or Diagonal Delta.
Delta Negative Color #
Sets the color for negative delta when Data Type is set to Linear Delta or Diagonal Delta.
Summary Stats #
Display Summary Statistics of the column.
Total Volume – Total volume of the session – Text color inherits the color of Color for Text.
Delta – Total amount of buy-side volume minus sell side volume – Text color inherits from the Delta Negative or Positive Color.
Sells – Total amount of sell-side volume – Text color inherits from the Delta Negative or Positive Color.
Buys – Total amount of buy-side volume – Text color inherits from the Delta Negative or Positive Color.
Session Range – Shows the range of the session in price levels – Text color inherits from the Delta Negative or Positive Color and its colored based on the percentage change of the session.
Session Percentage Change – Text color inherits from the Delta Negative or Positive Color and its color based on the percentage change of the session.
Background Color #
Sets the color for column background.
Color For Text #
Sets the color for the text.
Price Relation #
Sets visibility of Price Relation. Price Relation will display a small rectangle at the base of the profile indicating if the session is up (last price is higher than the open – positive session) or down (last price is lower than the open – negative session). It measures and gives you the relation between the current price and the opening price.
Session Up Color #
Sets the color for up Session. This relates to the option Price Relation.
Session Down Color #
Sets the color for down Session. This relates to the option Price Relation.
Display Initial Balance #
Sets the visibility of the Initial Balance. When enabled Initial Balance will be displayed as a small rectangle at the the base of the profile.
Initial Balance Duration (minutes) #
Sets the Initial Balance duration in minutes.
Initial Balance Color #
Sets the Color for the Initial Balance.
Change Initial Balance Start Time #
Override the Initial Balance Start Time. This allows to have a ETH Session Profile but set the start of the Initial Balance to the time of the RTH Session open.
Initial Balance Start Time #
Sets the overridden Initial Balance Start Time.
Cursor Highlight Enable #
Sets the visibility of highlighting a cell on mouser hover.
Cursor Highlight Color #
Sets the cursor highlight color.
Clear Button Back Color #
Sets the color for the Clear Button background.
Clear Button Icon Color #
Sets the color for the Clear Button icon.
Ask Before Column clear #
Set to display a confirmation message before clearing the column.
Show Last Price Rectangle #
Sets the visibility of the last price Rectangle. Will display a rectangle surrounding the last traded price.
Last Price Color #
Sets the color of the last price rectangle.
Show Center Line #
Sets the visibility of the center line. The center line will be displayed at the center of the column.
Center Line Color #
Sets the color for the center line.
Show Last Traded Volume
Displays the last traded volume. Traded Volume is accumulated while the price of the trade remains unchanged.
Last Traded Volume Uptick #
Sets the background color for the first uptick on the price.
Last Traded Volume Downtick #
Sets the background color for the first downtick on the price.
Last Traded Volume Next Tick #
Sets the background color for the subsequent ticks on the price.
No Connection Message Back Color #
Sets the color for the message when there is no connection.
Reloading Message Back Color #
Sets the color for the message when the connection is resetting.
Bar Width (px) for Price Relation And Initial Balance #
Sets the width in pixels for the Price Relation and Initial Balance visualizations.
Delta Ratio Decimals Number #
Sets the number of decimal places when using the Delta Ratio option.
Use Constant Summary #
Sets the Summary Statistics to a fixed position. By default the Summary Statistics are displayed either on top of the Volume Profile or at the bottom. This option ensures that the Summary Statistics are constantly visible.
Summary Constant Position #
Set the position of the Summary Statistics.
Don’t Paint Summary With Colors #
This option disables the change in color of the text in the Summary Statistics. By default the Summary Statistics changes colors depending on the current percentage change of the volume profile.
Trade Imbalances #
Show Trade Imbalances #
Sets the option to display trade imbalances.
Imbalance Factor #
Sets the imbalance factor. For example if the bid-ask price relation exceeds 1.5 times the volume we will color the text or outline of the bar depending if the higher value was at buy or at sells. This option allows you to visualize where there is a big difference between buys and sells.
Filter Value #
Sets the filter value for the volume. You might not want to display the trade imbalance when volume is lower than a certain value.
Imbalance Text at Buy Side Color #
Sets the color of the text if the imbalance is for the buy side.
Imbalance Text at Sell Side Color #
Sets the color of the text if the imbalance is for the sell side.
Highlight Imbalance Bars #
Sets the option to also highlight the bars.
Hot Keys #
Clear Column, Key Modifier #
Choose between Ctrl (Control Key Modifier), Alt (Alt Key Modifier) or Shift (Shift Key Modifier) to set the first key to clear based on Hot Keys.
Clear Column, Key #
Choose between different keys on your keyboard. In conjunction with the Key Modifier will produce a Clear column Hot Key for that particular column.
Reset & Clear Settings #
Reset on F5 #
Simple toggle option to enable to discretionary reset the volume profile by pressing the F5 key. Useful if you want to reset the profile while having another session Volume Pro column to compare when for example a reference level like high or low of the session is hit. Deprecated for Clear Button on the bottom of the column.
Auto Clear on Large Trade #
Set to clear the column when a Large Trade Size is reached.
Data Type #
Sets the Data Type for the Auto Clear on Large Trade.
BuysAndSells– Clears the column if the trade is a buy or a sell.
Buys – Clears the column only if the large trade is a buy.
Sells – Clears the column only if the large trade is a sell.
Large Trade Size #
Sets the value of the large Trade to Auto Clear the Column.
Auto Clear on Large Delta #
Set to clear the column when Delta reaches a a threshold.
Large Delta Type #
Sets to the type of clear rule based on large delta.
Cumulative – will clear based on the cumulative delta since session start. Emulates a bar type. Every time the Total delta of the profile reaches the Large Delta Size the column will clear.
Single Level – will clear based on a single Price level. Every time a single price level reaches the Large Delta Size the column will be cleared.
Large Delta Side #
Sets the Delta Side to Auto Clear the column on Large Delta.
Positive – Clears the column if the Large Delta Size is positive.
Negative – Clears the column if the Large Delta Size is negative.
PositiveAndNegative – Clears the column if the Large Delta Size is either positive or negative.
Large Delta Size #
Sets the value of the large delta to Auto Clear the Column.
Auto Clear on Delta Ratio #
Sets the option to clear the column based on the Delta Ratio.
Delta Ratio Type #
Sets the Delta Ratio Type. Choose between the ratio based on a Single Level or Cumulative.
Large Delta Ratio (>1.0) #
Sets the value of the Delta Ratio. When this value is achieved, the column will clear.
Min traded volume for Cumulative #
Sets the minimum traded volume to clear the column. You might not want to clear the column when the volumes are low and sometimes produces big ratio values.
Min traded volume for Single Level #
Sets the minimum traded volume to clear the column when Single Level is chosen. You might not want to clear the column when the volumes are low and sometimes produces big ratio values.
The Volume Pro also offers a manual Clear Button displayed on the bottom of the column. When pressed it will clear the column. You can also set enable a message of confirmation every time you manually clear.
Info #
Add-on Name
Displays the name of NinjaTrader add-on.
Displays the version of the NinjaTrader Add-on.
Setup #
Output debug info #
Sets debugging info to NinjaScript Output window.
Output debug info to Log #
Sets debugging info to the log file located in Documents/Trading Orderflow/[…].
Refresh Time (ms) #
Sets the refresh time for the column in milliseconds.
Label #
Sets the label title for the column. Useful when you have multiple columns with different settings on the SuperDOM.